A/C Tech, HVAC Installer, HVAC Mechanic, HVAC Service Tech, HVAC Specialist, HVAC Technician, Refrigeration Mechanic, Refrigeration Operator, Refrigeration Technician, Service Technician, HVAC Installation and Maintenance Specialist
- 确保人们在舒适的家庭和商业环境中生活和工作
- 不断变化的工作环境
- 持续的学习机会
- 在一个不断发展、技术驱动的领域工作
"When I was in the field, it was regarding when I was able to help people stay comfortable by fixing their AC equipment. Especially if others couldn't. Then it evolved into training other techs to do what I could do by mentoring them. Then finally getting the opportunity to take on a leadership role and was able to teach and mentor a lot of technicians to develop them. In essence, giving back to the industry that I love." - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
"I feel most rewarded by being able to provide for my family with job security. I also enjoy troubleshooting and working with newly engineered systems to start and maintain equipment My position allows me to see some of the cutting-edge equipment entering the market through manufacturer partnerships." - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
- 与客户和老板(建筑经理、房东、房主)会面,审查要进行的工作
- 审查建筑布局和工作规范;起草详细设计和工作计划
- 按照制造商的指导方针,在建筑物中安装暖通空调制冷系统
- 安全地安装电气元件,包括布线
- 运行诊断测试以确保正常运行
- 讨论潜在的问题和解决方案
- 排除故障并向客户提供成本估算
- 维护、修理和更换旧部件
- 规划出一个维护时间表
- 保存所有工作的日志
- 确保所有需要的零件都在手边或可获得
- 遵守适用的州或地方法规和其他建筑标准
- 往返于工作现场;确保车辆有燃料、有库存、有准备
- 根据需要进行小的设备调整,以确保系统的峰值性能
- 根据需要使用手动或电动工具来安装零件或设备
- 遵循所有推荐的安全协议,穿戴推荐的个人防护设备
- 培训和监督新员工
- 独立工作的能力
- 注重细节
- 对安全的承诺
- 顾客服务技能
- 决策,有时在压力下进行
- 良好的手眼协调能力
- 耐心
- 身体耐力
- 复原力
- 聪明才智
- 组织活动的技能
- 健全的判断力
- 时间管理
- 视觉化
- 有能力进行日常维护
- 有关安全设备操作的知识
- 了解电气系统和安全协议
- 有能力为工作选择适当的工具
- 熟悉各种手动和电动工具,如钻头、电压表、火炬、断线钳、卡尺、电路测试仪、凿子、钻头、流量计、气体检测仪、胶水枪、湿度计、钳子、磁性工具、扳手、切管机、升降机、制冷剂压缩机、扫描仪和安全绳等。
- 对代数、几何、应用物理、工程和一般技术有一定了解
- 一般设计技能
- 心肺复苏/急救培训
- 工业控制软件,如Alerton Ascent Compass
- 教育机构
- 政府机构
- 暖通空调承包商
- 大型公司,如零售商
- 医疗行业
- 自营职业者
#1 would be a union. I say this because once you are a union worker, you have to work for the rest of your life. Whether it be for a union contractor (like I'm a part of here at TCI) or work for hospitals, universities, grocery stores, retail stores, property management companies, government facilities, aerospace, etc. Or even just working for yourself as an independent contractor." - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
#HVAC is a vast network! [You might work in] equipment sales, equipment service, equipment repair, water treatment, facility maintenance, or as a pump specialist." - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
建筑物总是需要气候控制的条件,以保持居民、工人或其他居住者的快乐。因此,暖通空调行业的前景是强大而稳定的,预计未来十年对训练有素的技术人员的需求量将很大。那些有资格从事 "智能 "暖通空调技术工作的人或具有其他专业领域的人更有可能赢得合同,因为全球绿色倡议使世界日益转向更环保的系统。
"Currently. I'd have to say the trend of VRF/VRV systems. These systems are really taking over the industry in a big way, because of their multi-use and adaptability--not to mention their high efficiency. This section of our industry is evolving on its own niche, so to speak. Following in the same footsteps as control did". Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
"Natural gas is being phased out of the commercial property in parts of Southern California. Many sites have been engineering boilers out of the design and using heat pumps. Several government and aerospace companies are doing large renovations to be compliant. Refrigerants of several types are being phased out to be replaced with cleaner alternatives. New machines and new training will be required due to vastly different operating pressures." - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
"Tearing apart compressors and equipment and putting it all back together." - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“Most were interested in technology in some way. Anyone interested in computer science or mechanics can thrive.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
“I can spend time with the techs for one-on-one training and mentoring. I can be involved in projects that need my input and experience. I can spend the whole day reviewing jobs for invoicing. Then there are days when I seek out training for myself, as far as developing as a leader for my role within my company." - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“Day-to-day can vary due to different types of jobs to complete and the unexpected nature of warranty work. For example—usually, for a normal start-up of a chiller, I arrive and meet with the installing contractor. The installer will introduce me to a controls technician and a building operator. From there I work with the installing contractor to verify that the installation is correct, and that there are no warranty items that need replacement. This includes testing each piece of equipment to verify operation.
I would work with a controls technician to integrate the chiller’s communication with the building so that operational readings and alarms are reported to the building operator. The building operator will verify no critical loads are running and be able to switch pumps or chillers as necessary per the site.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
- 暖通空调技术员至少需要有高中文凭(或GED),但不需要大学学位
- 许多人完成了一些大专以上的教育,这对找到工作是有好处的。
- 职业学校和社区学院提供暖通空调证书,需要几个月的时间来完成;一些学生选择获得副学士学位,如果全职学习,通常需要两年时间。
- 适用于这一职业领域的课程包括暖通空调系统设计和安装、住宅和商业系统、制冷和电气系统、数学、物理课程,甚至是管道工程。
- 3至5年的学徒期是工人在职学习的一种流行方式。
- 许多学徒制是由工会或协会赞助的,以帮助工人在获得报酬的同时获得实际的学习经验。
- 学徒将在专业技术人员的监督下工作,在协助完成基本劳动任务的同时,获得对工具使用的信心,如切割管道、绝缘制冷剂管道或清洁肮脏的炉子。
- 环境保护局(EPA)要求处理危险制冷剂(如CFCs或HCFCs)的工人获得608节认证。
- 可选的高级认证包括。
- ESCO集团的热泵安装人员认证或住宅空调大师专家实操认证
- 国家环境专业人员注册处的认证制冷合规经理
- 北美优秀技术员公司的轻型商业制冷服务
- 一些州要求暖通空调技术员获得执照;暖通空调学校列出了各州的要求细目。
"As a union member, I would say the union classes—which are free, as long as you maintain a certain GPA. There is also Junior College to get your associate degree and AC & Refrigeration certificates as I did. Then there is specific manufacturer factory and equipment training. Finally, depending on how high you want to go in your career, there is leadership development training. How to be a good leader. How to develop others. How to inspire others." - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“There are two basic paths—trade school or union apprenticeship.
Apprenticeships can be difficult but result in some of the highest-trained technicians I have met. Unions have different programs, but most last five years with fixed pay along the way.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
- 暖通空调技术员不需要大学学位,但他们可以通过完成贸易学校或社区学院的培训课程进行准备。
- 你也可以通过ESCO集团完成认证,该集团提供 "暖通空调制冷行业各个级别和阶段的可携带和可堆积的证书"
- 检查你参加的课程是否被HVAC Excellence和Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation(PAHRA)认可。
- 参加高中的车间课程,以获得常用工具的实践经验
- 报名参加社区学院或职业培训课程,学习暖通空调设备的安装、维护和修理,以及金属加工、蓝图阅读、焊接、安全和心肺复苏/急救等知识。
- 做志愿者或兼职工作,以积累你的实际工作经验;这在简历或工作申请中会很有说服力。
- 记录下你所学到的工具和设备的使用情况
- 从暖通空调协会寻找当地的学徒和项目
- 观看YouTube视频或节目,捕捉这个职业的日常情况。
"I wholeheartedly believe that experience is the best teacher. What I mean by that is, go out on ride-along with individuals or take internships with companies if they allow it. Go on YouTube. Buy an AC & Refrigeration book and start reading it. (That's exactly what I did in my junior and senior years in high school. But then again, I didn't have the Internet!" - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“Watch Youtube videos on engineering or HVAC applications. There are many apps and programs that are designed to train new technicians entering the field. Also, take classes on electrical topics or plumbing.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation

- 获得任何工作的最好方法是要么有资格,要么可培训。如果你没有必要的学历证书或工作经验,请在学徒申请中证明你值得投资!
- 阅读招聘信息,看看需要哪些技能和经验,然后在申请前尽可能多地完成这些工作。
- 诚实地介绍你的背景,使用正确的行业术语,并列出任何完成的课外活动,以证明你的潜力。
- 如果你可以先做兼职来学习,那就去做吧!你可以在导师或老板的指导下学习。跟随你的导师或老板,提出问题,并获得技能
- 告诉你网络中的每个人你正在找工作;他们可能会给你指出正确的方向。
- 问问编辑或你大学的就业中心,他们是否可以审查你的申请,看看是否有错误或如何加强。
- 在ZipRecruiter、SimplyHired、Indeed和Glassdoor等招聘门户网站上寻找空缺职位或学徒。
- 不要忘了Craigslist;许多小公司都用它来做工作广告。
- 搜索Apprenticeship.gov和HVAC Insider的招聘栏
- 在面试中要表现出完美的专业性,提前查看一些面试问题的样本,做好准备。
"I wish I’d a mentor to guide me into the union earlier. [If I had joined earlier], by next year I'd have 30 years with the union and be set for a nice pension retirement and still have my youth. However, I'm grateful for my path and happy that I'm at where I'm at because of it. In terms of landing your first job, if you apply for the union (UA Local 250), the union works hard to place you with the top AC & Refrigeration companies in the industry. Then, once a member (UA Brother), you “play” (i.e., work) for the union, but wear the “jersey” of certain teams (i.e. employers). If your decision is to go non-union, then it’s about selling yourself at your interview. Of course, be yourself and be honest. If it’s your first interview in this career, employers are going to want to know how you are going to bring value to them or their department if they hire you. The line I always liked to use was: “What I lack in experience, I make up for in hard work!” - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“I worked for my in-laws. After that, I worked at a facility with a coworker whom I met at Mt. Sac while completing my HVAC certification.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
- 准时上班,时刻准备着,增加价值,并表现出学习和优秀的愿望
- 掌握每项技能,尽可能完成最高质量的工作
- 非常好地照顾你的工具和库存
- 在你的日常职责范围之外探索更广阔的暖通空调世界
- 淘汰更多的课程,自愿参加培训,并获得核心、高级和专业职责的认证。请看以下网站的认证选项。
- 北美优秀技术员(NATE)
- 制冷工程师和技术员协会(RETA)
- HVAC Excellence与Esco集团合作
- 如果你的工作(或你想要的工作)需要,获得你的执照。
- 认真对待你的学徒工作,因为有很多人在等待这样的机会
- 和你的老板谈谈!有可能,他们是知识的财富,但有时他们不会提供信息,除非直接询问。
- 掌握主动权--研究那些技术手册!
- 当你与制造商的代表互动时,直接向他们学习
- 阅读有关趋势和发展的信息
- 一旦你是专家,可以传授知识,就培训新工人。表现得像个领导者,无论你是否得到报酬
- 了解并遵守安全标准,并始终穿着你的保护装备。没有什么比工作场所的事故更让雇主生气的了,如果雇员按照他们的培训方式采取适当的预防措施,这些事故是可以避免的。
- 空调、暖气和制冷协会
- 美国空调承包商
- 美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师协会 (ASHRAE)
- 联合建筑商和承包商协会
- 暖通空调卓越服务
- 北美优秀技术员
- 水暖制冷承包商协会
- 制冷工程师和技术员协会
- 制冷服务工程师协会 (RSES)
- 水管工、装配工、焊工和服务技术员联合协会工会
"YouTube and Instagram are excellent resources. I follow a lot of individuals and see what they are working on or see their struggles and how they overcome them. Remember I said experience is the best teacher? Well, learning through a second party is great as well. When they mess up, you learn without the blood, sweat, and tears! BUT—with blood sweat and tears comes confidence, growth, and development." - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“There are online HVAC textbooks that offer a huge foundation of knowledge in a digestible format.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation
暖通空调技术人员的工作前景预计在未来十年内将增长4%,但仍然可以有竞争力。如果你有兴趣探索其他相关领域的选择,请查看劳工统计局的《职业手册》和O*Net Online,了解更多的职业信息,如:。
- 锅炉工
- 电工
- 一般维护和修理工人
- 水管工、管道工和蒸汽工
- 钣金工
- 太阳能光伏安装人员
- 固定工程师和锅炉操作人员
- 风力涡轮机技术员
- 飞机机械师和服务技术员的光明前景
- 汽车服务技术员和机械师
- 移动式重型设备技师,发动机除外
- 摩托艇技师和服务技师
"Whatever path you decide to take in this industry, put in your absolute best effort. Never [take shortcuts]! This way you develop a great work ethic and a habit that will serve you well. Remember, hard work will always beat talent when talent doesn't work hard. Then, when you get talented and your hard work is a habit, you become a leader that will inspire others to do what you do!" - Eric Torres, HVAC Service Manager at Thermal Concepts, Inc.
“Trades need many people due to all of the projects slated. There are many advantages once you have an understanding of the industry.” - Logan Keebaugh, Chiller Mechanic at Air Treatment Corporation


