

Occupational Therapist, Certified Low Vision Therapist (CLVT), Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS), Mobility Specialist, Orientation and Mobility Instructor (O and M Instructor), Orientation and Mobility Specialist (O and M Specialist), Rehabilitation Teacher, Rehabilitation Therapist, Students with Visual Impairments Teacher (TVI), Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (VRT), Visually Impaired Teacher (TVI)


Provide therapy to patients with visual impairments to improve their functioning in daily life activities. May train patients in activities such as computer use, communication skills, or home management skills.

  • Teach cane skills, including cane use with a guide, diagonal techniques, and two-point touches.
  • Recommend appropriate mobility devices or systems, such as human guides, dog guides, long canes, electronic travel aids (ETAs), and other adaptive mobility devices (AMDs).
  • Train clients with visual impairments to use mobility devices or systems, such as human guides, dog guides, electronic travel aids (ETAs), and other adaptive mobility devices (AMDs).
  • Develop rehabilitation or instructional plans collaboratively with clients, based on results of assessments, needs, and goals.
  • Write reports or complete forms to document assessments, training, progress, or follow-up outcomes.
  • Database user interface and query software — Amazon Web Services AWS software Hot technology; Microsoft Access Hot technology; Oracle Database Hot technology
  • Device drivers or system software — Ai Squared ZoomText; American Printing House for the Blind Learn Keys; Freedom Scientific MAGic; ZoomWare Screen Magnifier
  • Enterprise resource planning ERP software — Oracle NetSuite; Oracle PeopleSoft; SAP software Hot technology
  • Object or component oriented development software — Oracle Java Hot technology; Python Hot technology
  • Presentation software — Microsoft PowerPoint In-Demand Hot technology

