Water Resources Planner, Water Quality Technician, Water Quality Analyst, Water Quality Engineer, Water Quality Scientist, Water Quality Consultant, Water Quality Inspector, Environmental Analyst (with a focus on water quality)
The human body is made of 50-60% water. That’s why we need to drink ~12-15 cups of the stuff every day, on average. But due to natural and manmade circumstances, water has a tendency to become polluted.
In fact, drinking water is commonly tainted with hundreds of contaminants ranging from nitrates and herbicides to mercury and lead. There are even chemicals that are intentionally added such as chlorine and fluoride, which we’re told are safe up to certain levels. But how do we know when our water is up to standards?
Water Quality Specialists study and inspect various bodies of water and water sites, such as rivers and lakes as well as groundwater and wastewater treatment centers. They test and analyze the chemical, physical, and biological properties of water and compare findings against regulatory standards to determine if it’s safe for whatever it’s being used for.
Overall, their job is to protect the environment and the life forms—including us—who rely on safe, clean, unpolluted water to survive!
- Protecting ecosystems that rely on clean water
- Ensuring human populations have enough safe, clear water
- 影响社区的身体健康和福祉
- Water Quality Specialists work full-time jobs with nights, weekends, and holidays off. However, overtime or odd hours may be needed during emergencies. Travel for fieldwork and site visits is often needed and exposure to inclement weather or conditions may be necessary.
- Conduct fieldwork and site visits to take soil/water extract samples, monitor situations, look for hazards, and conduct inspections to ensure compliance
- Analyze wetland, floodplain, and shoreland maps; use GPS, maps, and photos to determine locations during fieldwork
- Collect data from water site sensors; compile data using software and analyze results
- Prep samples for cation and anion testing, as needed
- Understand water and pollutant properties and effects on ecosystems
- Look for signs of pollutants and environmental changes that impact bodies of water (such as how floods affect lakes, fish, and wildlife)
- Manage Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination programs
- Collaborate with appropriate governmental agencies when discovering and reporting pollution activities
- Assess construction projects for environmental impacts on water and wildlife habitats
- Monitor, inspect, and help with water delivery controls, water system connections, meters, potable water distribution systems, production wells, mains, lines, etc.
- Maintain pond filtration systems
- Stay up-to-date on water-related regulations, standards, and challenges
- Submit logs, records, and technical reports to local, state, or federal agencies
- Oversee contractors working on water-related projects
- 帮助开展公众教育和宣传计划
- 校准设备、跟踪样本、输入数据并与实验室协调
- Keep track of invoices
- Respond to public queries and complaints. Investigate complaints, as directed
- 活动协调
- 分析性的
- 注重细节
- 批判性思维
- 果断的
- 注重细节
- 独立的
- 人际交往技巧
- 监测
- 目标
- 有组织的
- 敏锐
- 解决问题
- 以安全为导向
- 劲力
- 强大的沟通能力
- Data entry, analysis, and interpretation skills
- Environmental monitoring
- 熟悉地方、州和联邦水质法规
- Geographic Information System (GIS) programs
- Hydrology principles and concepts
- Knowledge of water quality monitoring instruments (pH meters, dissolved oxygen meters, turbidity sensors, spectrophotometers, etc.)
- Knowledge of water sampling and analysis equipment/software
- 微生物学
- 个人防护设备的使用
- 项目管理
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control
- Safety protocols working around pollutants, bacteria, and chemicals
- Water quality modeling
- Water treatment technologies
- 地方、州和联邦政府机构
- 教育机构
- Private consulting service providers
Water Quality Specialists get out in the field to conduct assessments and gather samples, so expect regular travel and exposure to the elements. Communities rely heavily on the accuracy and diligence of these workers to ensure water is safe for consumption by residents or for various other purposes. Of course, fish and wildlife creatures depend on clean water to survive, too!
Facing major challenges such as corporate pollution and climate change, Water Quality Specialists must stay devoted to identifying and overcoming problems before they become too serious to handle. It’s a lot of responsibility to manage at times!
In addition, workers in this field may be exposed to various contaminants, including pollutants, bacteria, and chemicals. While personal protective equipment mitigates most exposure, the hazards are still present so specialists have to work carefully and follow strict procedures.
Water Quality Specialists have their hands full because of the issues impacting water quality. For instance, numerous emerging contaminants such as chemicals and other substances are being detected in water, but there aren’t sufficient studies to regulate them or determine if they’re harmful to human health or the environment.
Scientists are working to advance wastewater treatment technologies to boost available water supplies, while the Internet of Things is helping with the development of smart water quality monitoring systems. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural runoff and wastewater discharge are contributing to oxygen depletion in water bodies, harming fragile aquatic ecosystems. Meanwhile, climate issues such as rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events are driving concerns because of their effects on water bodies.
Water Quality Specialists probably enjoyed being outdoors, going fishing, or swimming in natural bodies of water. They care about the environment and public health and could have seen their own communities affected by pollution. They’re also analytical and may have been good in STEM subjects from an early age!
- Water Quality Specialists generally need a bachelor’s with a major in chemistry, environmental science, biology, hydrology, ecology, or a related field. Helpful minors include geography or geography
- 也许不需要硕士学位,但硕士学位会让你更有竞争力,并有资格获得更高的起薪或职位
- 有些学生选择攻读学士/硕士双学位,这样可以节省时间和金钱
- A common master’s degree in this field is a Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology
- An internship with a governmental agency can develop practical skills
- 常见的大学课程主题包括
- Aquatic microbiology
- Backflow assembly
- Cross-connection control
- Environmental chemistry
- 地理信息系统
- High-purity water production
- Household water treatment
- 微生物学
- Wastewater operations
- Water and environmental projects
- Water law
- Water resources management and policy
- 可选的认证包括。
1. Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals - Certified Environmental Professional
2. International Erosion Control Association - Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
3. National Stormwater Center - Stormwater Inspector
4. North American Lake Management Society - Certified Lake Manager
5. Society of Wetland Scientists - Professional Wetland Scientist
6. State-level Certified Water Operator
- Students should seek colleges offering majors in chemistry, environmental science, biology, hydrology, or ecology, with minors in geography or geology
- Look for programs that have internships or other opportunities where you can gain practical experience
- 比较学杂费,注意州内与州外的费用对比
- 审查奖学金和经济援助选项
- 看看该专业是否与雇用毕业生的公司有合作关系!
- 注意校友的毕业和就业统计数据
- Sign up for high school classes in biology, chemistry, math, environmental studies, Earth science, physics, geography, ecology, statistics, and writing
- You’ll need some experience working with computer programs and laboratory work, too!
- Ask a teacher or counselor about school-related water or environmental programs you can participate in
- 担任学校活动的志愿者,你可以学习作为一个团队有效地工作和管理项目
- 在大学期间寻找实习、合作经验或兼职工作
- Keep track of the names and contact info of people who can serve as job references later!
- Study books, articles, and videos about working in this field
- Take ad hoc courses via Coursera, OpenLearn, Volunteer Village, and other sites
- Request an informational interview with a working Water Quality Specialist in your community
- 加入专业组织,学习、分享、结交朋友、拓展人脉(请参阅我们的 "资源">"网站"列表)

- 查看Indeed.com、LinkedIn、Glassdoor、Monster、CareerBuilder、SimplyHired、ZipRecruiter 和USAJOBS等招聘门户网站
- Search for job titles such as “Water Quality Specialist,” “Water Quality Analyst,” and “Environmental Specialist”
- 做好接受初级职位的准备,以积累经验,从而逐步晋升
- Take note of important keywords in job postings, and work those into your resume and cover letter
- Check out Water Quality Specialist resume examples and sample interview questions such as “Are you familiar with the current water quality criteria for aquatic life and human health?” or “How would you explain water quality analysis and treatment to the average person in another industry?”
- 告诉你职业网络中的每个人你正在找工作
- 询问您的大学教授、前任主管和/或同事是否愿意作为个人推荐人。未经事先许可,不要透露他们的个人联系信息
- 在学校的就业中心(如果有的话)进行模拟面试练习
- 面试时着装得体,表现出你对该领域的热情和了解
- 尽职尽责,按时完成高质量的工作
- 让上司知道你希望承担更多责任,并愿意接受必要的额外培训
- Keep up with environmental trends and challenges that impact water quality
- 通过继续教育课程、讲习班或会议了解新兴技术
- 展现独立、正直和领导力
- Speak with colleagues at other sites to exchange information and tips
- Participate in professional organizations like the American Water Resources Association. Keep learning and expanding your knowledge base and skills
- 与团队成员有效合作,并与当地环保机构建立牢固的关系
- Knock out a specialty certification such as the Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals’ Certified Environmental Professional
- Complete a graduate degree such as a Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology
- 留意内部职位发布!申请符合您职业目标的职位
- 董事会认证的环境专业人员学院
- American Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
- 美国地球物理联盟
- 美国地球科学研究所
- American Institute of Hydrology
- American Water Resources Association
- 美国水工程协会
- Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science
- 美国生态学会
- 危险材料管理研究所
- 国际侵蚀控制协会
- MetEd
- 全国环境卫生协会
- National Ground Water Association
- National Stormwater Center
- North American Lake Management Society
- 湿地科学家协会
- 美国食品和药物管理局
- 美国地质调查局
- UN Environment Programme
- Stormwater, Watershed, and Receiving Water Quality Modeling, by Water Federation
- Water and Wastewater Engineering: Design Principles and Practice, by Mackenzie Davis
- Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses, by Yuncong Li and Kati Migliaccio
Working as a Water Quality Specialist can be rewarding work, but not everyone enjoys the fieldwork element of it. Outdoor conditions can be hot, cold, wet, dirty, or smelly, with the potential for exposure to chemicals, bacteria, and pollutants! If you’re curious about related career options, consider the below similar occupations:
- 农业工程师
- Atmospheric Scientist
- 土木工程师
- 保护科学家
- 环境工程师
- 环境科学和保护技术员
- 食品科学家
- Geological and Hydrologic Technician
- 地球科学家
- 水文学家
- 采矿和地质工程师
- 土壤和植物科学家
- 水/废水工程师

