Aquatic Biologist, Conservation Biologist, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Fisheries and Wildlife Biological Scientist, Fisheries Biologist, Forest Wildlife Biologist, Habitat Biologist, Wildlife Biologist, Wildlife Refuge Specialist, Zoologist
Study the origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, and life processes of animals and wildlife. May specialize in wildlife research and management. May collect and analyze biological data to determine the environmental effects of present and potential use of land and water habitats.
- Develop, or make recommendations on, management systems and plans for wildlife populations and habitat, consulting with stakeholders and the public at large to explore options.
- Inventory or estimate plant and wildlife populations.
- Inform and respond to public regarding wildlife and conservation issues, such as plant identification, hunting ordinances, and nuisance wildlife.
- Study animals in their natural habitats, assessing effects of environment and industry on animals, interpreting findings and recommending alternative operating conditions for industry.
- Disseminate information by writing reports and scientific papers or journal articles, and by making presentations and giving talks for schools, clubs, interest groups and park interpretive programs.
- 积极倾听--全神贯注地倾听别人的发言,花时间理解别人的观点,酌情提问,不在不适当的时候打断别人的发言。
- 解决复杂问题--发现复杂问题并审查相关信息,以制定和评估备选方案并实施解 决方案。
- 批判性思维 - 使用逻辑和推理来确定其他解决方案、结论或解决问题方法的优缺点。
- 判断和决策--考虑潜在行动的相对成本和收益,选择最合适的行动。
- 阅读理解 - 理解工作相关文件中的书面句子和段落。


