



Lili在她的职业生涯中致力于领导零售、时尚和直接面向消费者行业的营销战略。从领导营销团队到针对小公司和慈善机构的无偿项目,Lili热衷于帮助品牌实现其商业潜力。Lili的职业生涯开始于医疗领域,在一家新成立的公司担任B2B营销联络员。由于想更多地关注B2C业务,Lili改变了路径,在时尚行业工作了12年。在Rock & Republic,Lili策划了该品牌的第一个电子商务网站和社交媒体平台的发布,并参与了他们在纽约时装周上的一些传奇性的表演。在The Collected Group,她负责监督所有三个品牌(Joie、Current/Elliott和Equipment)从批发到零售和电子商务的所有渠道的营销。在她的职业生涯中不断进取,Lili于2017年加入Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield,将她的品牌和零售经验带到新的挑战,即商业地产。在URW,Lili是美国中心营销的副总裁,负责监督全美30个中心。Lili以优异的成绩毕业于南加州大学马歇尔商学院,获得工商管理学士学位,重点是市场营销,并完成了斯坦福大学的战略营销管理执行课程。Lili仍然活跃在她的母校,曾作为校友-学生导师项目的一部分在马歇尔大学做志愿者。Lili还热衷于艺术和文化,支持RxArt、Farhang基金会等组织,更多的是支持本地的Rancho Park扶轮社。

Share your career story. 
I always knew I wanted to be in Marketing. When I was in college, but entire goal was to be a CMO. I entered college with my major already declared: Business emphasis in Marketing. My first job out of college was a bit of a whirlwind. The company I was working for was very small, not very organized, and wanted a lot from me, but I was happy that I had a prestigious job with a big title and an office. Fast forward and one month in, no days off, and working around the clock with a seriously high anxiety level, I was completely burnt out and didn’t know what to do. I felt frozen. I didn’t want to quit because “I am not a quitter” but I also was beyond unhappy. After some soul searching, I decided to give myself a break. I quit and took a month off. I went to live with my aunt in Indonesia. While there I looked at what goals I had set for myself and re-evaluated the timelines and how realistic they were. I came back to the US determined to find the right job for me and to not just give in immediately for what I think would be the right title. I started working in the medical field and worked for my boss at that company for the next five years over a couple of different businesses. Although I learned a lot, medicine wasn’t a passion of mine and after 5 years, it was time for me to move on. I kept finding myself watching the clock tick away the minutes to 5:30 which marked the end of my day. I knew this was a sign. As I thought through my real passions in life, I kept coming back to my love for fashion. I started exploring options and saw a job listing for a Marketing Assistant at Rock & Republic. Although the assistant title was lower than my role at the time, I was willing to take a step backward to follow my passion. When I went for my first interview, I was told that they didn’t have a position in Marketing that was open and that they had only used that to get candidates in the door. The job they had open was Office Manager. I was disappointed, but as I spoke with the Director of Operations, she assured me that with time and hard work, if a Marketing role opened up, it would be mine. It was a risk. I knew that. But I also knew that I was up for the challenge. I took the job and within a year I was in the marketing team. I worked my way up to Marketing Director in by 4.5 years there and learned a ton in the process. I then went on to work at another clothing company thereafter for almost 6 years where I built and lead the marketing team and integrated wholesale, retail and ecommerce channels under one communications calendar. As I started to feel like it was my time to try my hand at something new, I looked at my resume and wanted to make sure that my next role spoke to the fact that I am a Marketing Professional and not pigeonhole myself in to Fashion. That landed me at Westfield, now URW. I was able to combine my passions for retail and marketing here and also explore marketing for new and very different industries as we serve theatres, restaurants, grocery stores, banks and so many other categories.

我一直觉得自己想从商,但让我坚定了这一想法的是一位大学教授,他的整个职业生涯都在从事市场营销工作。他在南加州大学教我的第一堂课,我永远不会忘记他对这门课的热情。他的话至今仍在我耳边回响,即使在 18 年后的今天,我仍会时不时地联系他,而他也总会回复我。


我的母亲可能是我走上职业道路的最关键的人。我于 1986 年从伊朗来到美国。当时,伊朗正在经历一场非常艰难的革命,对于一个年轻女性来说,这个国家的前景非常黯淡。我的母亲不想让我这个独生女遭受这样的待遇,于是决定离开那里舒适的生活,重新开始。她是一个非常聪明、受过良好教育的女人。她曾出国留学,在英国和法国获得了两个硕士学位。搬到美国后,她只能在当地商场的一家零售店找到一份销售员的工作。随着时间的推移,她被提升为轮班经理,然后是商店经理,再然后是区域经理,但这对我妈妈来说非常困难,因为她之前从事的是办公室工作,要管理许多为伊朗电视台工作的人。几年后,她被零售店解雇了,这对一个有两个孩子的单亲妈妈来说是个沉重的打击,但她还是坚持了下来。她的电脑技能有限,她决定如果要找一份办公室工作,就必须学习电脑。她报名参加了一个课程,学得很好,开课的公司聘用了她。她在那里工作了几年,同时准备简历,开始寻找下一份大工作。她想要一份稳定的工作,所以她一心想在政府部门工作。最终,她得到了一份在洛杉矶会议中心工作的面试机会。她赢得了这份工作,并在那里工作了 20 年,直到 10 年前退休。我妈妈的故事对我的职业轨迹至关重要。看到我妈妈经历了这一切,并克服了种种困难,只因为她想让她的孩子们过上更好的生活,这让我明白,无论如何,你都不能放弃。总会有别的事情可以尝试,总会有新的机会出现,总会有一线希望。它还告诉我,这些事情来之不易。你必须非常努力地工作,即使在你认为自己几乎一无所有的时候,也要鞭策自己。如果你深入挖掘并付出努力,你所能取得的成就是无限的。
