

头像全名。Paul J Kurzawa

Paul Kurzawa是一位房地产和娱乐业高管,在商业房地产和娱乐业拥有25年的国际多资产和多领域的专业知识。他曾为一些世界上最杰出的全球房地产和娱乐公司工作,包括黑石集团、Equity Office Properties、梦工厂动画、Westfield Corporation、Lend Lease Corporation和Caruso。他最近的成就包括为芝加哥威利斯大厦启动了一个价值5亿美元的重建和重新定位项目,这是黑石集团在世界任何地方进行的最大重建项目。保罗还为梦工厂启动了一个价值数百万美元的零售开发和娱乐业务,推出了两个首创的基于位置的娱乐概念,专门用于拥抱和加强不断变化的零售环境。在保罗担任卡鲁索公司的首席运营官期间,他直接参与了位于加州洛杉矶的8500 Burton Way和The Americana at Brand混合用途项目的开发。他还在Westfield Century City和Westfield Valley Fair的重新开发中担任领导角色,并监督Westfield西海岸业务的执行管理。保罗经常在美国、澳大利亚和中国的行业会议上发言。他与他的妻子和两个孩子住在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶。

Share your career story. 
My career started in retail financial services (management of investment funds and superannuation products) for a large international real estate company (Lend Lease). After 2 years I moved to the retail shopping center side of the business and immediately realized a passion for real estate. Over the span of my career, I’ve held roles in management, marketing, development and leasing across multiple asset classes (retail, residential, office and hotel). I also spent three years working in the entertainment industry which has provided me a unique skill set to bring to the evolution of real estate, especially retail shopping centers.

Who/what influenced or inspired you?
My father was an executive for Wang Computers, so he was (and still is) a strong influence on my professional development. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in commercial real estate in an executive management role.

What do you love most about your job? What are its biggest challenges?
Love interacting with people, whether team members, customers, vendors, retailers – no two days are the same! As the same time, dealing with people is also one of the biggest challenges.

How did you gain entry into the industry? What was your big break?
In my second year of work, I applied to join an internal career development program that provided a unique opportunity to relocate to the USA (from Australia where I grew up). This opportunity was certainly a turning point in my career.

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of work?
I love anything outdoors, especially hiking.
Do you have any words of advice? 
“If someone offers you a job and you don’t know if you can do it, take the job and then figure out how to do it”. – Richard Branson.